Can I Treat Acne with Microneedling?

Can I Treat Acne Scars with Microneedling?

As if acne wasn’t unpleasant enough, you may also have to cope with scars caused by pimples. Acne scars can form as a result of cystic acne or picking at your skin. Acne scars, like other types of scars, can endure for months or even years.

If you’ve done everything else and still have acne scars, you might want to explore micro needling. This procedure, also known as skin needling or derma rolling, is performed by a dermatologist or skin care specialist to treat a variety of skincare issues, including scars and wrinkles. It may also help with acne scars, and clinical studies have yielded excellent outcomes overall.

Are you interested in micro-needling for acne scars? Continue reading to discover more about the process and how to talk to a dermatologist about its effectiveness and potential adverse effects.

The Efficiency of Microneedling in Treating Acne Scars

Microneedling, as the name implies, involves the use of fine needles that prick your skin. Your skin creates more collagen during the skin-pricking procedure in an effort to mend the microscopic wounds caused by the needles.

According to the experts, micro-needling works better for acne scars that are depressed rather than elevated. This is due to collagen-inducing properties. Microneedling is considered safe for darker skin tones, unlike other minimally invasive skin correction treatments such as laser therapy. This is due to the fact that it does not harm or remove the skin’s outer layer. Microneedling is also thought to be safe for thin and delicate skin.

Is there any Side-Effect of Micro-Needling for Acne Scars?

Minor adverse effects are to be expected at first with this therapy. These include redness, bruising, and inflammation. However, symptoms will go away in a few days. Avoid direct sun exposure and strenuous exercise for the first few days after your micro-needling operation. Exfoliants and alcohol-based skin creams can potentially exacerbate negative effects, so avoid them.

Acne outbreaks are also possible following skin needling. These, however, should be moderate and resolved on their own. Picking at your skin might lead to further scarring. The extent of micro-needling side effects is partly determined by how well you prepare for the treatment. Tanning or direct sun exposure may irritate your skin and worsen it. Drinking plenty of water the day before and throughout the hours preceding your treatment can also help to lessen the likelihood of bruising and inflammation. You should also avoid putting on makeup. Microneedling is considered less invasive than more invasive skin procedures. Many people want to return to work the next day, depending on their side effects. If you wish to conceal any bruising or redness, you might use a light powder.

Key Takeaways

If you are currently experiencing an acne breakout, your dermatologist may not prescribe micro-needling for your acne scars. It is also not advised if you have rosacea or eczema, as the process may aggravate your symptoms. According to Ankita Dhingra, a skin expert & semi-permanent makeup artist, moderate acne scars require three to four treatments. For more extensive scarring, you may require a further operation or two. In addition, most people must wait six weeks between treatments to allow new collagen to fully grow.

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